We must be on to something amazing. A huge miracle is about to happen, because Satan is freaked out so he's throwing so much stuff at us to try to stop us from pressing forward in our efforts to help, serve, and bless the people here in Ellensburg.
I'll be honest this week was ROUGH! There's not a ton to report because I was out for 3 days with the FLU! Gah. I've never had it before and it was 100% terrible. I have never felt like that before. It was weird. Also, we got bashed this week! My first bashing experience in Spanish. Fortunately that was only bash #4 for me in my whole mission, so that's actually pretty impressive. It was so awful though! It was on Wednesday, when we were out tracting in a new trailer park we've never seen before. This lady was so nice at first, she was like "Oh! Pasen! Pasen! Hace frio afuera!" (Come in! Come in! It's freezing out there!) We went in and she was like "Sientensen!" (Have a seat!), gesturing to her couch. Then we had a little bit of small talk like usual and then she just started ripping into us! It was CRAZY. We tried like 3 times to just bow out gracefully but this girl just really wanted to fight. She was like "Oh I know, I have a good idea, how about we say a prayer right now to ask God who's right, me or you guys." and I was just thinking "um definitely no that's a terrible idea" so I said "We'd rather not" and she was like "why not?" and I said "Well, because there's a lot of contention here right now so the Holy Spirit isn't here and we won't be able to receive an answer." Then we were about try to leave again. But then she was like "If you're not feeling the spirit it's because you're a sinner." We just stood up and walked right out of her house! It was a cool experience actually; I don't remember even making the active decision to leave, we just kind of did it. It was a super sad experience too, because it always makes me feel sad when people are so rude and offensive, and say they're doing it in the name of Christ, or because Christ wants them to. I'm pretty sure He actually said to love everyone and treat them with kindness and respect. I felt awesome after leaving though haha. Like nothing can stop me now!! Take that, crazy lady!
Later that night I started throwing up and couldn't stop, and then for the next three days I don't remember much! It was crazy. I just remember being achy all over and that I had a fever. Fortunately the members here are the absolute best. Brother Robins and Mark gave me a blessing and a few members brought by soup, bananas, and applesauce. I felt very loved.
Saturday morning I was feeling a lot better and my energy level had gone up significantly, so we drove down to Selah for ZTM. It was pretty good! I got so many more insights about tracting and how to do it more effectively, AND I got to share my passion for Planning, Member Missionary Work, and Preach My Gospel with everyone. It was pretty fun.
That night we had dinner with the Robins and it was awesome because they actually invited their non-member friend Natasha, and her daughters over, too. We got to meet them in a non-threatening, comfortable situation, and just talk to them a little bit. We mostly talked about what a mission is, why we're here, and why we decided to come on one. It was great! Then after dinner was done, we shared a short message about the scriptures and how much we can feel God's love when we read them. I think it was so awesome because now they've had a good experience with missionaries.
Sunday was a good day. It started out pretty stressful because we are getting SO MUCH SNOW and the roads are crazy. We just have a little Toyota Corola- not meant for snow! But church was so good. I love the new Gordon B. Hinkley manual we have this year. The Relief Society lesson was so good! It was all about the Restoration, which of course as missionaries we talk about a lot, but it was cool talking about it a lot with members. There were several sisters who are all converts who bore powerful testimonies and shared really cool experiences. It was a spirit-packed meeting.
Then last night we lost our phone! It was SO STRESSFUL Because do you know how hard it is to be a missionary without any way to contact people?! The other sisters were helping us try to find it, and all four of us searched for almost an hour last night! Then this morning we finally found it in the snow in the Reina's yard (we were visiting them last night and it had gotten run over by their truck but is still somehow miraculously working!). Mostly... haha the mission office is ordering us a new one, but for now we're just grateful to have it again!
Well.... I guess that's my week guys. Haha pretty weird. But we have some awesome plans for this week. So keep your fingers crossed and a prayer in your heart for us, please!
Eating tortas at Rosa's tienda
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