Today has been a great day so far. We had our housing inspections this morning and the only thing we forgot was to clean the microwave, so that was good. We also started learning a song called "Hallelujah" that we are singing at the Terrace Height's sisters' investigators' baptism. It's going to be awesome. So weird though because it's going to be on the 22nd of April, which is the last Saturday of my mission!
ALSO I forgot to tell something important last week. There is this cat that keeps hanging outside of our apartment door because he apparently thinks that he lives here or something, and it's always a mad dash to get inside because if we open the door he will run in really fast. It's pretty entertaining actually. And sad because if we forgot something in the car we're like, "Is it worth it to open the door and risk the cat coming inside? NOPE." So then we just do without. Haha Hermana Powell, Sister Don and Sister Adamson all said it wasn't a problem at all until I got here. #chronicbadluck
Yesterday was AWESOME. Some of my favorite moments were in Spanish Correlation in the morning, Elder Sanchez became obsessed with my water bottle. Also English sacrament meeting was like a spiritual firehose! And 3 of our English investigators were there, so we were so happy about that! Then, we were planning on going to Spanish Sunday school with our investigator, Maria. But then right after the opening prayer, Elder West pokes his head in and says, "Hey Moxee sisters, one of your members needs you!" So we slipped out without our bags or anything thinking it would only take a few minutes, and it turned out Sister Thayer had brought 3 of her nursing students with her to church! They are doing a diversity class, and Sister Thayer said, "Well you can come see what my church is like!" So they came and ended up having a ton of questions after Sacrament meeting so Sister Thayer came and found us. We had a little member-present lesson right there in the foyer. They are such smart girls! We hope that we can see them again. They had such good questions and really seemed to love church. We could tell they have big hearts too, they were so loving.
After that we had to run back to the Sunday school classroom and grab our bags because we were already running late to go to Spanish relief society with Maria. BUT THEN. We got interrupted again by elder Sanchez informing me that Pres. and Sis. Lewis were going to be giving talks in the Spanish branch sacrament meeting and that I needed to translate for sis. Lewis. GULP I have translated going from Spanish to English a few times now, but never English to Spanish- which is like 10000x harder! It was so scary! I was SO NERVOUS all through la sociedad. But it went really well, actually! Everyone was congratulating me and telling me good job afterwards! Haha except I didn't know how to say the word "Orchard"! That's okay. People in the congregation helped out. During sacrament Maria had a "close moment with God" and feels now like she needs to get baptized soon! We are so happy for her.
After church was fun we did a district language study. Which I had missed SO MUCH being in an all English zone for 6 months in Ellensburg! We played a fun game and I ended up learning 5 new words. Then Last night for dinner we got invited to the JUAREZ CLAN HOUSE! It was sweet. Basically about 80% in the Spanish branch is somehow related to the Juarez, and apparently every Sunday they all get together at the grandmother/great grandmother Juarez' house and have dinner together. There were like 50 people there! we had tamales and they were delicious!
Okay other highlights from the week:
Saturday we put Matt Walters on-date! He will be getting baptized April 15th! We are so happy for him!
Also on Saturday we went to a potluck dinner at the church for the Women's conference and it was so delicious. Also the Cooks from Ellensburg were there! They said they were passing through Terrace Heights on their way home from a trip and stopped by the nearest meetinghouse to catch conference and it just happened to be ours! Crazy. Fun to see them though.
Friday we had dinner with the cutest older couple in the ward, the Bayleys. They told us some amazing stories about their life together. We also kind of a little bit turned Sister Powell into a Mexican. Well we tried. You see, sister Adamson is Guatemalan, so we used her makeup on Sister Powell to see what she would look like as a Hispanic woman, but it mostly just looked like her face was dirty. Hahaha.
Thursday we met a bunch of weird people just walking around! Haha it was funny. There was this one guy, Nate though. He was Buddhist and super not interested in changing religions or anything, but we did get to talk a lot about family history and that got him really interested! Pretty sweet! #spiritofelijah. We also had some fun doing service for Callie, and had two amazing back to back member present lessons with the Komans and Alfonso and his kids. It was such a great evening! I'm so excited for all of those investigators. And so proud of the great work the members are doing with them, too! They are such great friends to these people. #foxymoxee
Wednesday we had District Council which was SO GREAT and so refreshing! It was fun doing things in Spanish and also a lot different for me because I'm used to being in districts with more Sisters than Elders. But in this district, we're the only sisters! I'm already making so many new friends in my new Zone. I love it and I wish I could have more than one transfer here!
After District Council I had to do MY PLAN. Aka "trunky plan". It's basically an online training thing that we do to help us prepare for going home. Like set goals and make plans and things like that...
Tuesday we had the best lesson with Maria! Sister Vera was there and was the perfect fellowshipper for her! We talked about the Word of Wisdom and it was really cool because as soon as we told her about all the aspects of it, she was like, "wow that's so crazy because when I first started meeting with you guys a couple of weeks ago I had the strongest feeling like I should stop drinking coffee and alchohol. I didn't know why I just had a strong feeling from God that I shouldn't." SO COOL. #milagros
That night we had "Noche de Visitas" (Visits night) with the branch. It's really cool. Basically a bunch of branch members and us missionaries all come to the church Tuesday night and Brother Esteban assigns us families (especially ones that are struggling).
That's it for this week!
Love and miss you!
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