I made a cute cover for my planner!
Transfers are here again! And I'm moving! I'm going to The Dalles, Oregon. It's the very most southern point of the mission! I was pretty surprised when we got the call to be leaving after just one transfer, but I know it will be for the best. To be honest, being here in Yakima has been pretty hard for me, because the town looks super similar to Rockwall! So it's really easy to get homesick here. I've been told The Dalles Zone is a lot like the Othello Zone, which I was in when I served in Royal, and that the "White Salmon" area (my new area) is a lot of farm country too, just like Royal. So I am really excited! Of course, the stresses and anxieties of moving and packing, and just change in general have not been fun, but it's not nearly as bad as it was last transfer! I'm the only one in my apartment who is leaving, and I'm not doubling in or doubling out of an area, so it will be a lot smoother transition! Plus, I found out I already know three people in my new zone: Hna. Juarez, Hna. Clark, and Elder Mercado!
False Prophecies about transfers!
Everyone kept saying I was going to Wenatchee, NOPE!
Finally made it to Miner's. Very famous local restaurant that has giant hamburgers.
Just in the nick of time too, since I'm moving now.
Something that's kind of funny/sad though, is that now that I am leaving the Yakima Valley Spanish Zone, three of my friends are coming here! Elder Harman, Elder Buchanan, and Elder Najarian are coming to this zone! Sad... I guess I'll just have to leave some notes! My new companion's name is Hna. Marble. I've only met her once, briefly at zone conference a couple of weeks ago, but she was so cute! And it's kind of funny too, because she was Hna. Aldrich's trainer! So once again, I'm going to be companions with a previous companion's trainer. (Hna Dee trained Hna. Luevano). So anyway, that is my major exciting news for this week!
In other news, the elders that live behind us (our back yards back up against each other and we share a fence) and we have been having a sticky note war! It all started with the elders putting a sticky note on our car one day that said "GO BACK TO ALASKA!" (Hna. Dee is from Alaska) and it just snowballed from there. Then the other day we didn't have a dinner appointment, so we used our free 1/2 hour to sticky note there entire back patio.... it was actually really fun.
Post-it War!!! They all have funny quotes or sayings on them
but they are facing inside so they read them when they open the window
Let's see, what else, I got a haircut this morning! I kind of went crazy and chopped like 3 1/2 inches off, so it's quite a bit shorter, but probably only I can tell. It was nice to just get it cleaned up and a lot less weight for summer!
My haircut!
I almost forgot something amazing that happened this week! Our branch had a baptism!! Maria has been investigating for YEARS and went through like ten sets of missionaries, but now she finally got baptized on Saturday! It was seriously a beautiful service. And like, the whole branch came, plus a bunch of the mission office staff, and Pres. and Sister Lewis!
Congratulations, Maria!!!
We had a zone training meeting this week too, focused on becoming better teachers. Something super awesome that I loved is they came up with these sheets for each of the 42 main principles laid out in Preach My Gospel, and pretty much we fill them out and can have a solid conversation about any gospel topic, with scripture references, points, possible questions, etc. It's really helpful when preparing for lessons! Plus, it's a great thing to practice for language study, because I'm filling mine out in English and Spanish. I'm really a nerd but I love it. It reminds me of homework! I miss school.
Yakima Valley Spanish Zone
April 6, 2016
Top: Fordham, Aguilar, Aguirre, Jimenez, Haws, Oliver, Christensen,
Middle: Pres. Lewis, Nelson, Cataldo, Allsop, Kiser, Wilde, Johnson, Baker,
Bottom: Clark, Aldrich, Garcia, Parry, Knight, Streuling, Hawkins, Dee
Shout out to Grandma and Grandpa for the awesome sweet birthday card! Fortunately I got it before leaving Yakima, so I can use the gift card!
Well, this was kind of a random email, but that's everything I can think of. I love you all! Next time I email it will be from Oregon! Woo hoo!
Learning how to make Chile Rellenos!!!
I got stung by a bee! On my lip!
Now it just looks like a large zit, but before it was swollen and nasty.
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